Lokomotyv - CSKA
Last match: Kyiv City Championship
23 June 2024
Сезон завершується!
Армійський клуб оголосив про важку фінансову ситуацію.
Вболівальники визнали креативного півзахисника найкращим гравцем матчу.
Одразу двоє гравців розділили звання кращого гравця матчу "Поділ" - ЦСКА (0-4), набравши рівну кількість голосів за підсумками опитування вболівальників.
CSKA is a famous and titled club, one of the oldest in Ukraine. Founded in 1934, the army club's football team began participating in professional competitions in 1947. Among the club's achievements are a number of titles and appearances in international competitions.
We motivate
the state to develop
sports infrastructure
CSKA has close historical ties with the army and the stadium of the same name, which has been the club's home arena since its inception. Unfortunately, today the stadium of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is in a disgraceful state, but there is a desire to rebuild it and turn it into a modern sports facility, which will become a worthy face of the modern Armed Forces of Ukraine.
We strive
to develop and promote
football in Kyiv
CSKA has a large number of fans and is the second most recognizable football club in Kyiv. We are sure that Kyiv, as the capital of Ukraine, a major financial, economic and cultural center, should take a worthier position in the field of professional football.